The hidden music of Africa is a whole ‘nother reissue
Mad about music: Sudanese musician Jantra, whose name translates as “craziness”, with his trusty blue Yamaha keyboard, playing at a party in DarGoog in Sudan recently. His album Synthesized Sudan was released by Ostinato Records earlier this year. Photo: Janto Koité/Ostinato Records
Record labels that bring us sounds which fly under the radar
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Tags: Synthesized Sudan, Cyrus Moussavi, Docteur Nico, Franco Luambo Makiadi, Jantra, Kalo Kawongolo, Mississippi Records, Mulatu Astatke, Ostinato Records, Patrice Rushen, Seskain Molenga, Strut Records, Sweet as Broken Dates, Vik Sohonie, African Music, article, Bart Cattaert, friday, l Les Editions Populaires, Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, Planet Ilunga, Quinton Scott, reg-only, reissue, vinyl